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This smaller quartz crystal was given to me by a vendor at my second Tucson show. Like the larger crystal on the first page, this one comes from the Brazilian locality at Diamantina. Some call this form of thin, doubly-terminated quartz crystal a laser wand. It is quite clear except for one cloudy area at the larger termination, but the view is spoiled by intense patterning and a very faint dusting of a black powder that is embedded into its surface. It measures just about 4" or 10 cm in length.

This interesting little rutile twin came my way at a gem and mineral show in Columbus, Ohio. It does not exceed 2" (5 cm) in width, to give an idea of scale. Though one cannot see it in this picture, there is a fine line denoting the twinning plane that can be seen from certain angles. It shows very little damage.

This is the first sphene specimen that I had seen at a show. I love the stuff because of its incredibly high dispersion and refractive index and the fact that almost no gem dealers carry it in faceted stones. The close-up shot shows the best crystal, likely 0.8 (or 2 cm) long, and its inevitable twinning plane.

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